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Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Bookings Line 0487 014 550


Seafood Cruise Mooloolaba - The Party Boat

We use you see me mobile billboards to advertise our upcoming cruise events, before we started using the scooters it was very hard to get the public aware of our events but since having the scooters on the road the cruises are filling up very fast so we know its working and will continue to do campaigns with you cheers.
Seafood Cruise Team.

Mooveit Dj's

Just wanted to say thanks guys for a successful campaign, we put a counter on our website the day the scooters hit the road and on the three days we had them we had over 200 hits per day, our promotion we ran with you also went very well as people have booked using the vouchers you gave them, thanks guys great job and we will be using you again soon cheers 

John Virgona - Mooveit Dj's.

you see me billboards advertising scooters mobile queensland sunshine coast

you see me billboards advertising scooters mobile queensland sunshine coast

 0487 014 550



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